A brief history of MEP FEB UGM Establishment
On June 3, 1995, the matriculation class marked the first lecture conducted by MEP FEB UGM. Although the inaugural class only began in early September 1995, this program was prepared in early 1994. The embryo of this program appeared in 1991 when the Faculty of Economics UGM (FE UGM) was trusted to become one of the centers for the Regional Finance Course (KKD) in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Depdagri), Ministry of Finance (MoF), Bappenas and the University of Indonesia in Jakarta. At that time, the KKD’s chair was by Prof. Dr. Dibyo Prabowo and the vice deputies were Drs. Wahyu Widayat, M.Ec. and Drs. Ari Sudarman, M.Ec. The KKD involved many lecturers from the Faculty of Economics UGM.
Through discussion with KKD’s alums, lecturers, officials in the local government, and the consultants from the ILGS (Institute of Local Government Studies) University of Birmingham, FE UGM found an idea regarding the need for master’s program education to train the managers in regional financial management and regional development. Therefore, in the Faculty of Economics UGM meeting dated April 8, 1994, a team was appointed to draft the proposal for master’s program establishment. The team was determined in the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics UGM No. UGM/EK/3068/UM/01/39 dated May 7, 1994 consisted of Dr. Insukindro, MA., Dr. Faried Widjaya M, MA., Drs. Wahyu Widayat, M.Ec., Dr. Mardiasmo, MBA., Drs. BM Purwanto, MBA., and Drs. Wihana Kirana Jaya, M.Soc.Sc. Their tasks were preparing, compiling, and representing the Faculties in discussions at the Faculty level, Postgraduate Program UGM and UGM Senate.
After the UGM Senate approved the proposal, then the Dean of the Faculty of Economics UGM – Prof. Dr. Soedijono issued a Decree regarding the formation of the Steering Committee and the Implementation Team of the MEP FE UGM Program No. UGM/EK/8788/UM/01/39 dated October 22, 1994. The proposal, approved by the UGM Senate, was then sent to the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture to obtain a permit for its formation. In obtaining permission, the MEP FE UGM began carrying out activities to promote the establishment of this program by building a cooperative relationship with the Education and Training Agency (Diklat) of the Ministry of Home Affairs to obtain prospective students who are interested in pursuing a master’s program. Eventually, the legal permission number 358/Dikti/Kep/95 was issued on August 16, 1995.
On June 3, 1995, the Matriculation program was started, which was attended by 63 students. In the beginning, the MEP FE UGM had two concentrations, namely the concentration of Regional Finance and Regional Development. Then in the second batch in 1995, the program increased into one more concentration, namely the concentration of Property Valuation. In 1996, the MEP FE UGM developed another concentration, namely the concentration of Financial Economics and Banking or often mentioned as Money and Banking. The idea of working on this concentration had not received a good enough response from the market due to the monetary crisis strike in Indonesia in mid-1997, which seriously impacted the national economic situation. As a result, this concentration lost its potential market and received only a small number of applicants. Therefore, concentration closure is inevitable.
In arranging courses and curriculum development, the MEP FE UGM maintains good relations with institutions at home and abroad. Cooperation was signed with the Education and Training Agency (DIKLAT) on September 4, 1995, the Directorate General of Village Community Development on September 21, 1995 and followed by the Ministry of Home Affairs, particularly the PUOD Director General. Collaboration with the Director General of PUOD aimed to improve the human resource capacity of local government employees. Thus, every local government on the level I and II sent their staff to enroll in a master program in MEP FE UGM. Bappenas also implemented a similar system (on February 27, 1998). Cooperation with the Director General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance (on October 19, 1995) aimed for finding prospective students from the ministry’s employees to join master’s degrees in MEP FE UGM. Furthermore, the cooperation with Directorate General of Taxes, Directorate General of Finance, Ministry of Finance purposed for conducting research activities and having guest lecturers on property valuation topics. Through collaboration with the Director General of Taxes, the Ministry of Finance, the MEP FE UGM benefited from obtaining professors from within and abroad, especially from ITM Malaysia. The MEP FE UGM also collaborated with non-government institutions such as MAPPI and GAPPI, particularly with PT Satya Graha Tara in association with Brooke Hillier Parker Jakarta. In addition, the partnership with the National Land Agency was particularly useful for having guest lecturers with special expertise in property valuation and land economics.
The MEP FE UGM Program was academically and physically under the responsibilities of the Faculty of Economics UGM. Therefore, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics UGM is organizationally in charge of the program. At the time of its establishment, the management was determined by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics UGM, especially when this program was still a ‘project’. The Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics UGM, No: UGM/EK/68/UM/01/39, dated January 2, 1996, stipulated the composition of the MEP FE UGM Program’s Management in 1996-1999, namely Prof. Dr. Nopirin, MA., as the Dean was an Executive Committee. Prof. Dr. Dibyo Prabowo, M.Sc. was a Chairman of the Steering Committee with three members of Prof. Dr. Soedijono R, MBA., Dr. Budiono Sri Handoko, MA., Dr. Faried Wijaya M, MA. Meanwhile, the Managing Chair was held by Dr. Insukindro, MA., with members of Drs. Wahyu Widayat, M.Ec. and Drs. Wihana Kirana Jaya, M.Soc.Sc.
Furthermore, in carrying out daily basis activities, the program was led by Dr. Insukindro, MA., acted as Director, Drs. Wahyu Widayat, M.Ec was Vice Director for Academic Affairs, and Drs. Wihana Kirana Jaya, M.Soc.Sc, was Vice Director for Assets, Treasury and HR. In addition, Drs. Rusdi Akbar, M.Sc, was appointed as an assistant to support the Assets, Treasury and HR divisions. In 1997, the internal structure of this program was reformed due to organizational adjustment. As a result, the responsibilities of Program Management focused on three sections, namely Academic (Dr. Wahyu Widayat, M.Ec), General Administration and Finance (Dr. Rusdi Akbar, M.Sc) and Executive Development, Collaboration and Student Affairs (Drs. Wihana Kirana Jaya, M.Soc.Sc).
The Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics UGM No. UGM/EK/01/UM/01/39/99 dated January 2, 1999, and the Decree of the Director of the UGM Graduate Program No. 2160/JO1.4/OT/1999 dated July 1, 1999, appointed the manager of the MEP FE UGM Program for 1999/2000 which are Dr. Insukindro, M.A. as Program Director, Drs. Wihana Kirana Jaya, M.Soc.Sc. as Assistant Manager of Academic Affairs, Drs. Wahyu Widayat, M.Ec. as Assistant Manager of Non-Academic Affairs, Drs. Rusdi Akbar, M.Sc. as Assistant Manager of Executive Development.
In April 2000, the Managers of the MEP FE UGM Program were replaced by Dr. Soetatwo Hadiwigeno, MA, as Director and assisted by Dr. Insukindro in Academics Affairs, Drs. Wahyu Widayat, M.Ec in General Affairs, and Drs. Rusdi Akbar, M.Sc in Student Affairs, Alumni and Development.
However, from January 2001 to the end of 2004, the MEP FE UGM Program managers were delegated to Prof. Dr. Arief Ramelan Karseno, MA as Director, and assisted by vice directors: the Vice Director for Academic Affairs was Prof. Dr. Mardiasmo, MBA, Akt (in mid-2004 replaced by Dr. Ainun Na’im, MBA), and Vice Director for General & Finance was Drs. Wahyu Widayat, M.Ec.
In early 2005, The election of a new Dean in the Faculty of Economics UGM marked the reorganization of the MEP FE UGM body. The managers of the MEP FE UGM Program were replaced by Dr. Iswardono SP, MA as Director, Dr. Lincolin Arsyad, M.Sc as Vice Director for Academic Affairs, Dra. Sri Handaru Yuliati, MBA as Vice Director for Administration. General & Finance. Restructuring of the managers continued into the following year. In 2006, the Director and Vice Director for Administration, General & Finance remained similar while Dr. Akhmad Makhfatih, M.A, replaced the Vice Director for Academic Affairs.
The Faculty of Economics UGM considered the importance of being in an international community. Therefore, in 2007, the Faculty of Economics UGM changed its name to the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM (FEB UGM) to adapt internationally applicable terms. As a result, all program studies under FEB UGM have been using new terms, including MEP FEB UGM Program.
In 2007, the leadership of Dr. Lincolin Arsyad, M.Sc., must be replaced by Dr. Akhmad Makhfatih, M.A., due to his appointment as Vice Dean of FEB UGM. Then the Vice Director of Academic Affairs was assigned to Drs. Muhammad Edhie Purnawan, M.A. Dra Sri Handaru Yuliati, MBA, remained on a similar responsibility. Amirullah Setya Hardi, M.Sc was appointed as Vice Director of Academic Affairs in 2008, replacing his successor.
In 2009-2010, the MEP FEB UGM Program Managers were Dr. Akhmad Makhfatih, MA, as Director, Drs. Ahmad Jamli, MA as Vice Director for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ertambang Nahartyo, M.Sc as Vice Director for General Administration and Finance.
During Dr. Makhfatih’s leadership, The MEP FEB UGM was aware of limited access to accommodating formal education for the Valuers profession in Indonesia. In contrast, the needs for valuers are huge in society. In addition, the post-monetary crisis in Indonesia (2000) caused a significant demand for valuer’s profession, particularly in banking, non-banking, public, and government sectors. When the government legalized the Regional Autonomy Laws in 2003, the need for valuers’ profession was inevitable. Every regency/municipality in Indonesia was required to have a financial statement that mentioned their asset value determination. Having this background, the MEP FEB UGM Program collaborated with the Indonesian Society of Appraisers (MAPPI) to hold an Appraiser Certified Masters Program for graduates from various fields of study. This program was designed to extend the concentration of Asset Management and Property Valuation in the MEP FEB UGM. The curriculum includes the stages of the appraiser-certified education program from P1, P2, P3, P4, and USP. The outcome of this program is expected to produce professionals with the degree of Master of Economics of Development and professional appraiser certification of MAPPI (Cert.).
The MEP FEB UGM Program Managers were handed over to Dr. Poppy Ismalina, M.Ec.Dev as Director, Drs. Ahmad Jamli, MA, as Vice Director for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Ertambang Nahartyo, M.Sc as Vice Director for General Administration and Finance during 2011 to 2012. In her leadership, collaboration in non-degree programs (training) was massively conducted with various institutions such as the National Land Agency (BPN) and many regional governments. On the other hand, two collaborations on degree programs (master’s degree) were successfully carried out with the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) and the Regional Government of Papua for the first batch. Not to mention, The international collaboration was successfully established with the Australian National University (ANU) by conducting a linkage/double degree program together with the employees from BPKP (Financial and Development Supervisory Agency).
In 2013, the MEP FEB UGM Program Managers were directed by Dr. Artidiatun Adji, MA, Drs. Ahmad Jamli, MA as Vice Director for Academic Affairs, Boyke Rudi Purnomo, SE, MM as Vice Director for General Administration and Finance. During this period, a public policy corner was established as a forum for various research, consultation, training and community service activities. Therefore, cooperation with various local government agencies is very intensive. This period was also marked by the early implementation of UGM as a Public Service Agency (BLU) which then became a challenge for an institution.
In the following year, the MEP FEB UGM Program switched the managerial team during 2014 – 2015. Prof. Lincolin Arsyad, Ph.D led the management and assisted by Dr. Akhmad Makhfatih, MA as Vice Director for Academic Affairs and Bayu Sutikno, SE, MSM, Ph.D as Vice Director for General Administration and Finance.
During Prof. Lincoln’s leadership, MEP FEB UGM again won A-accreditation from BAN-PT. The MEP FEB UGM also became the initiator and declarator of the establishment of APMETI (Association of Masters Program in Applied Economics throughout Indonesia) on June 6, 2014 which the members were from the universities partners in Indonesia. Cooperation with various partners is increasingly being enhanced, including dual degree/linkage programs with seven universities in Japan that have been approved by the Director General of Higher Education, and a class of collaboration with the West Sulawesi Regional Government. In addition, several campus facilities were also repaired, including the inauguration of the Mubyarto auditorium during the 2 decades of MEP FEB UGM on June 4, 2015.
In 2015-2016, the MEP FEB UGM program managements were handed over to Prof. Tri Widodo, M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D as Director, Amirullah Setya Hardi, Cand.Oecon., Ph.D as Vice Director for Academic and Student Affairs, and Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, MBA, MPM, Ph.D as Vice Director for General Administration and Finance.
During this year’s period, the MEP FEB UGM Program strengthened its international cooperation networks in the Valuation field in which the program was officially registered to become a Member of the AVA (Asean Valuer Association) on the recommendation of MAPPI. AVA is the Association of Professional Appraisers in ASEAN whose members are Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam and Cambodia.
Amirullah Setya Hardi, Cand.OeconPh.D received a new mandate as Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation and Alumni of FEB UGM for the period of 2017 to 2022. Therefore, his position in the MEP FEB UGM was replaced by Ardyanto Fitrady , MA, Ph.D. Meanwhile, the Director and Vice Director for General Administration and Finance remained similar.
In 2017 – 2018, the MEP FEB UGM Program’s director was returned to Dr. Akhmad Makhfatih, MA while the vice director was Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, MBA., MPM., Ph.D. In this period, the MEP FEB UGM Program made a breakthrough in the asset management field for individual, institutional or government assets. The breakthrough was implemented in the Information System Application called SIMAPRO (the Property Management Information System). This application allowed the individuals, public institutions and government agencies to map the asset information such as its condition and characteristics, asset value, location and position. SIMAPRO presented information which assisted the institutions/government in taking strategic decisions effectively and efficiently regarding their asset management.
The leadership in the MEP FEB UGM Program continued to change during 2018 to 2020. Dr. Dumairy, MA was appointed as Director and Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, MBA, MPM, Ph.D remained as Vice Director. Embodying the aspirations of the alumni from the Concentration of Asset Management and Property Valuation (MAPP) and Asset Management and Business Valuation (MAPB) whom they considered the importance of having a platform to share a knowledge among the alumni and the students, especially those who are on the concentration of MAPP and MAPB. Therefore, the MEP Valuers Club UGM (MEPVAGAMA) was initiated to realize the needs and formally legalized by the Dean of FEB UGM on November 30, 2019 at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia. The MEPVAGAMA, as part of the alumni organization, has a very large role in aligning the theory and practice of valuation in Indonesia for the development of scientific valuation.
The MEP FEB UGM Program again managed to get Accreditation A from BAN PT in June 2019. At the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic hit almost all countries in the world and had a significant impact on the shift in learning patterns in the MEP FEB UGM campus environment. In the midst of uncertainty about policies for implementing learning patterns at the beginning of the pandemic, Dr. Dumairy issued an edict to close face to face learning (offline) and diverted learning services through an online learning system to accelerate the process of adapting new learning patterns for lecturers, students and staff. Various obstacles also emerged such as communication barriers, the utilization of online media learning and social media culture which caused stuttering and discomfort, however those were quickly resolved.
The inaugural online lecture began on March 14, 2020 with a Research Methods course taught by Dr. Dumairy through the Webex conference application. Then other online agendas were followed to be held such as Tausiyah Daring 25th Anniversary of MEP FEB UGM, Online Training on Planning and Budgeting, Online Graduation Ceremony and others by exploring several conference applications.
From 2020 to 2021, the leadership of this program relied on Akhmad Akbar Susamto, M. Phil., Ph.D as Director and Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, MA, Ph.D as Vice Director. Under their guidance, the MEP FEB UGM Program made strategic refreshments for students, alums, staff, stakeholders, and the public in general. The refreshment activities were:
In 2022-2027, the leadership formation in the MEP FEB UGM Program continued to change. Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, MA, Ph.D was appointed as Vice Dean for Research, Community Serviceh Putriani, M.Ec., Ph.D.
This year, the ME, Cooperation and Alumni FEB UGM period 2022 to 2027. As a result, the Academic Senate of FEB UGM decided that the Vice Director of the MEP FEB UGM Program was handed over to Diya P FEB UGM Program reaffirmed its mission to become a leading Study Program in the field of Development Economics at both national and international levels. Therefore, the commemoration of the 27th Anniversary of MEP FEB UGM on June 3, 2022, became the momentum for the inauguration of the new tagline “Leading in Economic Development” that replaced the old tagline “Committed to Development.”
The new tagline became a fire to achieve the goal as the best study program in Economic Development. Therefore, the MEP FEB UGM keeps refreshing and restructuring its programs, such as a systematic arrangement of the Soft-Skills Program, rejuvenation of academic and student guideline documents, and procurement of digital learning devices (electronic whiteboards, Kandao camera and Polycom). In addition, several programs launched in 2022 are:
The LEDs Scholarship Program is periodically implemented by the MEP FEB UGM study program in each intake period. This scholarship is specifically for fresh undergraduates with excellent academic and non-academic performance, who uphold academic ethics, have a strong vision of the future and contribute to regional development.
This program is intended for MEP FEB UGM students who successfully publish their thesis in national and international journals. The publication incentives are provided to raise students’ motivation to publish the results of their thesis research. In addition, it increases the number of publications carried out by MEP FEB UGM, both from lecturers and students.
This program is intended for active students in the 3rd semester of the MEP FEB UGM Program. MEP Best Student Award selection criteria are based on academic and non-academic achievements that students have obtained in a certain period.
In the curriculum section, the MEP FEB UGM Program will launch a new concentration, namely the Concentration of Green Economy. Moreover, in terms of final projects as graduation requirements, the students are given the flexibility to decide between two types of thesis: Thesis Type 1 is an academic-oriented thesis, and Thesis Type 2 is an applied-oriented thesis.