Double Degree

Pusbindiklatren Bappenas

Program Double Degree antara MEP FEB UGM dengan Pusbindiklatren Bappenas adalah Linkage DXHR (Master Program Development of Exhaustive Human Resource) dengan konsentrasi “Digital Innovation and Economic Development”.

Program Linkage DXHR, Program Studi MEP FEB UGM bekerjasama dengan 2 (dua) universitas mitra di Jepang yaitu:

  1. Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society (GSIPSS), Hiroshima University
  2. Graduate School of International Management (GSIM) Digital  Transformation Program, International University of Japan (IUJ)

LPDP Kemenkeu RI

Program Double Degree antara MEP FEB UGM dengan LPDP Kemenkeu RI. menawarkan konsentrasi “Sustainable Economic Development” dengan tiga mitra universitas luar negeri.

  1. Centre for Development Studies; Centre for Economics and Finance Studies, Glasgow University (untuk Beasiswa Reguler, PNS/TNI/Polri dan Afirmasi)
  2. Master’s Course Division of Humanities and Social Sciences International Economic Program, Hiroshima University (untuk Beasiswa Afirmasi)
  3. Master’s program Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University (untuk Beasiswa Afirmasi)