SIMAPRO APPLICATION LAUNCHING (Asset and Property Management Information System)

SLEMAN, As one of the agendas in the 23rd DIES, the Master of Development Economics Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (MEP FEB UGM) held a Workshop on the Application of Regional Asset Inventory Programs in the context of Improving Locally Generated Revenue (PAD). In this workshop MEP launched the application of Asset and Property Management Information System (SIMAPRO) at the Mubyarto Auditorium of MEP FEB UGM, Friday (07/13). SIMAPRO itself is a computer application developed due to many problems of assets in the public sector and the private sector. This application helps to manage, identify, inventory, and analyze assets, especially immovable assets such as buildings and property.

“The head of the region can use SIMAPRO if he wants to know information about the assets of the region, for example; how many assets it has, which assets are problematic, how much of this particular asset is, and many other strategic information. In addition, this application can also provide comprehensive information so it is able to facilitate the use of information related to the assets,” explained Akhmad Makhfatih in his speech. “The lack of inventory and management makes the information seeking process take a long time, so this application is expected to be able to help local governments in managing their assets,” he added. “From this workshop, it is expected that we can discuss the problem of asset management in the government that often arises,” said the Coordinator of the MEP FEB UGM at the end of his speech.

The speakers of the Workshop on the Launching of SIMAPRO application were Robby Prijanto, S.T., M.Ec.Dev. MAPPI (Cert) and Muhammad Chrisna Satriagasa, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Ec.Dev. Both are MEP FEB UGM Alumni who studied in Asset Management and Property Appraisal (MAPP), and Guntur Budi Herwanto, S.Kom., M.Cs. from the Faculty of Maths and Science UGM on software applications, with Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, M.B.A., M.P.M., Ph.D. as the moderator of the workshop. Wakhid explained that the problem of assets is a complex problem, there are about 5500 problems concerning assets and causing losses of up to 13 trillion rupiah. Therefore, with the help of current technological advances, assets must be managed more optimally using SIMAPRO application.

According to Robby’s explanation the background of the design of this application is that there are many potential assets in the region, which require digital tools to identify these potentials and how those assets can be used to contribute to the PAD of each region. Furthermore, Gasa presented the SIMAPRO application in terms of Geographic Information System (GIS) and spatial data, while the IT program system was presented by Guntur Budi Herwanto who explained the technical details of the application including features, servers, data, and possible development.

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