
Master in Development Economics (M.Ec.Dev.) FEB UGM offers 5 concentrations in the fields of:

  1. Sustainable Economic Development
  2. Regional Economic Planning and Development
  3. Regional Finance and Asset Management
  4. Asset Management and Property Valuation
  5. Asset Management and Business Valuation.

The graduates of each concentration are expected to have the following competencies:

A. Sustainable Economic Development
This concentration provides knowledge and competency in sustainable economic development based on economic welfare, economic justice and environmental preservation. The graduates are expected to define the balance between those three principles evidently to develop the economy in the long term without damaging the natural capital.

B. Regional Economic Planning and Development
This concentration provides knowledge and competency in the field of strategy and the process of preparing regional development planning and budgeting, such as making a vision, mission, goals and targets of development, creating performance indicators, preparing a strategic plan, making performance report, managing and evaluating the implementation of the regional economic development.

C. Regional Finance and Asset Management
This concentration provides the knowledge and skills to manage and make the regional financial report under the applicable regulation. In addition, the graduates are expected to understand how to identify, inventory, and optimize the regional assets efficiently and effectively, including in a transparent and accountable manner.

D. Asset Management and Property Valuation
This concentration provides knowledge on general concepts and principles of valuation, value estimation of property/assets such as land, building and construction, mines or mineral, machines and gears for proper decision-making, and effective and efficient asset management. Property valuation is beneficial in the purchasing process, rental, assessing tax objects and regional assets, and making regional financial reports. The graduates are expected to be competent in evaluating assets and properties, both private and public, based on the valuation standard applied in Indonesia.

E. Asset Management and Business Valuation
This concentration provides knowledge on the techniques to determine opinion or estimation of business or company/entity or ownership valuation, which includes intangible assets value to help the management in decision making for the improvement of the company and maintaining the company sustainability. The graduates are expected to be competent in evaluating the estimated value of both private and public based on the valuation standard applied in Indonesia.