Academic Provisions

The MEP FEB UGM Program lecture is carried out using the semester system (two semesters per year). The students require 40 credits to be awarded the degree of M.Ec.Dev (Master of Economics of Development). The 40 credits consist of 18 credits of instrument and core courses, 12 credits of concentration courses and ten (10) credits for SSR and Thesis. In this system, courses with three (3) credits are equivalent to 3 x 50 minutes face-to-face per week during 18 effective weeks, including the midterm and final examination semester.

General Provision of Regular Program:

  • The announcement result of the matriculation program will be carried out by the Program Managements (through briefing and judiciary) on the determined day and date by the Academic and Information Systems Unit. All students concerned are required to attend this event.
  • Students who pass are entitled to continue to the regular program and immediately attend the lecture of regular program on the semester 1. Academic and Information Systems Unit will inform schedules, syllabi, Student Plan Card and registration forms to DA Universitas Gadjah Mada.
  • At the beginning of the lecture (Semester I) students must sign a statement issued by Universitas Gadjah Mada.
  • Students must complete the Study Plan Card (KRS) at the beginning of the semester.
  • The students must fill out the Study Plan Card (KRS) and find approval from the Academic Advisor. The Academic Advisor is appointed by the MEP FEB UGM program. The students should submit the Study Plan Card (KRS) to the Academic Section no later than two (2) weeks after the lecture begins.
  • The courses taken by the students will be announced by the Academic Section every semester.
  • In each semester students must acquire 15 credits, and in the last semester (Semester III) students must take 9 credits in the form of Seminar Research Strategy (SSR) and Thesis .
  • The changes within acquiring the courses must be approved by the Head of Academic or the Head of Study Program Management and no later than 2 weeks after the lecture takes place or 2 times meeting.
  • Every student is required to attend classes at a specified time and place. The lecture is given for 150 minutes at each meeting.
  •  If students are unable to attend the lecture or ill, they require to send a permit letter addressed to the Deputy for Academic Unit.
  •  Students must participate actively in college activities.
  • The professor will record student attendance in each meeting.
  • To facilitate their studies, each student receives guidance from an academic counsellors appointed by the program director. The task of academic counsellors includes provides guidance of students’ academic activities, and problems arise related to academics.
    – To carry out thesis guidance (obtain a thesis Supervisor), the students must have cumulative GPA (Semester I and II) minimum of 3.00.

Student Attendance:

The number of attendances in every lecture will be taken into account to determine the final score of the course. The number of attendances also determines whether students eligible to participate in the examination (midterm and final) or not. Minimum attendance is 75%.

Lecturers Performance Assessment:

In the end of semester, the students will be asked to evaluate the performance of the lecturers in order to improve the academic performance of MEP Study Program. The evaluation form of lecturers performance evaluation will be distributed a week before the final exam by the Academic and Information Systems Unit. Student’s assessment results will not affect the students score of the lecturer’s course.

Exam Terms:

  • Exams can be carried out in various forms, such as written, oral, in the form of essay writing, seminars, assignments, and/or the combinations of those various methods.
  • The semester exam consists of midterm and final exams that are carried out one time in each. Each student is required to take an exam at the scheduled time and place.
  • Students may take the exam if they have met the minimum number of attendance and have met the specified financial and academic administrative requirements.
  • Sanctions for students who violate the above rules by the examiner are not warned but the student’s name will be recorded on the examination report. consequently, it will reduce the score of the student’s examination work and possibly to be declared as failured (F score)
  • The score and percentage proportion are given based on student activities component such as:
    1. Midterm exam (30%)
    2. Final exam (30%)
    3. Assignments (20%)
    4. Discussion / class participation (20%)
    5. Absent in each course consequently reduce the score as much as a percentage of his absence

Final Score Authority:

The score authority is the professor’s right. It is taken by considering the elements of objectivity and academic integrity. However, if it is deemed necessary, students have the right to hear the professor’s final score components.

Result Announcement:

The result of the courses will be announced to students through the Academic and Information Systems Unit. The Academic and Information Systems Unit will only notify students about the exam results (final score) as long as students have no financial administration problem. Students will obtain a Study Result Card (KHS) every semester as a reference for making progress reports or other purposes.

Scoring system:

The scoring system is carried out with the letter A; A-; B +; B; B-; C +; C; D; and E as the final score. Each score in letter has a number weight in succession (numerical value) 4; 3.75; 3.25; 3.00; 2.75; 2.25; 2.00; 1.00; and 0.00. In addition, the K and T values are used. The value of K means null or no score, the incomplete score data is because the student resigns legally. T score means incomplete, score data is incomplete because not all assignments are completed in time upon the professor’s permission. The task must be completed in a certain time, which is determined by the professor no later than 1 month and if it is not fulfilled then the T score is changed into the D score.

Procedure for Remedial:

Students have the opportunity to improve grades with the following provision:

  1. Take the remedial course by following the applicable requirements, such as taking a new course;
  2. The maximum score of the improvement course is B.

Study Deadline:

The typical study period for MEP FEB UGM students is calculated from the registration date (students must pass the matriculation and be registered as UGM students). The standard study period for students is 19 months, while the maximum study period allowed is twice the normal. Suppose the students cannot complete their studies until the maximum time limit. Then, they must apply for an extension of the study.

Approval of the study extension was decided by the MEP FEB UGM Director with the belief that the students will be able to complete their studies during the extension period. However, if the approval has been obtained, the students must sign a letter stating that they will automatically be dropped out (DO) whenever they fail to finish their studies within a certain period.

Drop-Out Policy:

In severe violation cases, MEP FEB UGM can decide to revoke students’ status and rights (drop-out). Some of the things that can cause students to be expelled from the MEP FEB UGM are as follows;

  1. Conduct criminal offenses  to defame MEP FEB UGM
  2. Unable to complete his studies after two normal study periods plus an extended period of study
  3. Violating academic ethics in the form of cheating and / or plagiarism which falls into the heavy category
  4. Conduct immoral acts such as sexual harassment, insulting the institution demonstratively, and losing good will to create a healthy study atmosphere.

Credit Transfer:

Basically, the courses which are part of the academic activities in the the Master Program must be presented by each  program. However, it is possible to transfer credit. for example  the credit earned in MEP FEB UGM programs (home) can be transferred to another postgraduate program (partner) as long as both parties recognize the courses. The credit transfer act to fulfill the partial total credit for completing the study. The maximum credit transfer allowed in the MEP FEB UGM Program is 12 credits. A list of credit transfers should be proposed to the Deputy of the Academic Section no later than a week after the relevant courses start.

Seminar Research Strategy (SSR):

This course is related with the writing a thesis. This course aims to monitor the progress of thesis writing by students and assist to solve the problems faced. The provisions relating to this course are as follows:

  • The Research Strategy Seminar is a course with 3 credits;
  • The Seminar Research Strategy Seminar must be followed by students as long as s/he has not received thesis approval from the supervisor;
  •  The Seminar Research Strategy I and II, must be followed, even though the proposal has not been approved or the thesis has been approved by the supervisor;
  • If the thesis has been approved by the supervisor and has reported to the Academic and Information Systems Section, students are not required to attend Research Strategy Seminar III;
  • In this activity, several seminar groups will be formed and one professor will be appointed as the moderator of the seminar. Besides leading the seminar, the moderator should also provide comments, suggestions and giving assessments score;
  • The material presented at the Research Strategy Seminar includes:
Seminar Basic Problems Detail problems
Proposal Research I Strategy Seminar Proposal
  1. Conformity to the Title with the Purpose and Benefits of Research
  2. The variables that will be used for analysis
  3. The analytical tool used
Seminar Strategy Research II Research Results
  1. Data obtained in the study
  2. Compliance with the proposal (Analysis Tool)
  3. Barriers that occur during field research
Seminar Strategy Research III Results of Analysis
  1. Results of analysis, evaluation and findings.
  2. Conclusions from the results of the analysis
  3. Suggestions
  • Time intervals among Seminar Strategy Research I, II and III are approximately a month in each series.
  • The score of the Seminar Strategy Research is the cumulative score obtained from the total Seminar Strategy Research involved.


Thesis is one of the requirements to achieve a master’s degree in the MEP FEB UGM Program. This course is offered in the third semester after students complete the theory or 30 credits. The provisions relating to the writing of this thesis are as follows:

  • Students should meet a minimum GPA of 3.00 without a D or E score and have no administrative obstacle to start writing a thesis and given a supervisor;
  • Students must have collected 30 credits to start writing a thesis;

  • Students propose a thesis title and supervisor (fill the form in the academic section) in the second semester;
  • The assignment of the thesis supervisor was decided in the management meeting;
  • Thesis counselling is carried out at the time agreed between the supervisor and the student. Counselling material is related to thesis writing material and writing mechanism;
  • In writing a thesis, students are required to analyse and refer to at least 3 foreign language journals (at least the last 5 years) and are included in the authenticity of the research and literature review as well as the theoretical basis;
  • The thesis must be defended in front of the examiner team that is determined by the program;
  • Before being tested, the thesis will be evaluated by a team to examine the suitability of the thesis with the writing manual issued by the UGM Postgraduate Program and editorial. If there are still errors that are not in accordance with the writing manual, the thesis will be returned to the student to be corrected. Editorial process up to 2 weeks (depending on the level of error);
  • After the thesis is approved by the supervisor; students are given a maximum of 1 month to register for a thesis exam;
  • The thesis exam registration requirements are as follows:
    1. Submit 2 recent pieces of 4 x 6 color photographs
    2. Submit 3 (1 original + 2 photocopies) thesis manuscript and thesis summary that has been signed by the supervisor (not bound)
    3. The thesis defense team is the authority of the management of MEP FEB UGM, while the schedule is determined based on an agreement among the teams’ members;

    4. After the defense team and examination time are established, students must complete the S2-14 and S2-15 forms (taken in the academic section).

  • The assessment of the thesis is based on:
  • The final score of the thesis defense is in letters A, B, C, and D. The C and D scores can be revised. The team leader is allowed to announce the results and scores to students after the defense series finishes.
  • After thesis defense, the students are given 3 months to revised and adjusted the thesis based on the team suggestion during the defense. if it exceeds that 3 month, the students must immediately address / notify the problems faced. If you exceed the time limit and have not met the director, then the student concerned must repeat the thesis defense.

Download the Thesis Writing Guidance, Thesis, Dissertation: here

Download Systematics / Journal Manuscripts: here

Graduation requirements:

Students are declared to have graduated from the Development Economics Masters Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University if:

  1. Has a minimum grade point average of 3.00;
  2. Does not have a D and / or E score;
  3. Completed 40 credits;
  4.  Passed the thesis’ defense.


The graduation ceremony invites the students who have completed their education program in Universitas Gadjah Mada. Graduation ceremonies are carried out 4 times a year, namely in January, April, July and October. The MEP FEB UGM program also carried out a reception for graduates of the MEP FEB UGM program by adjusting the UGM graduation agenda. The conditions that must be fulfilled by students in organizing this graduation are as follows:

  • Students are declared to have passed the MEP FEB UGM Program after taking 40 credits (including thesis writing), and a minimum grade point average of 3.00 without D and / or E grades, and graduating in maintaining a thesis exam.
  • Students who are declared to have graduated from the MEP FEB UGM Program will receive the title of graduation with praise (cumlaude) if they receive a GPA of at least 3.75; very satisfying if the GPA is obtained between 3.25 to 3.74; and a satisfying predicate if the GPA is obtained between 3.00 to 3.25.
  • The graduation registration deadline is a month before the graduation ceremony.
  • Students are required to submit the graduation requirements (adjust the renewal requirements of the DAA UGM) as below:
    1. Online Register for graduation at
    2. Prepare the two pieces of each color and black and white latest photographs, sized 3 x 4 cm.
    3. Prepare a valid original student card.
    4. Receipt of the thesis submission from the library
    5. Prepare graduation payment receipt (in pink color paper)
    6. Statement Letter of free from borrowing books in theUGM library (unit II)
    7. Statement Letter is stating free from borrowing books in the related Faculty library
    8. Statement Letter is stating free from borrowing books in the MEP FEB UGM
    9. Doc Form. Personal Data (3 sheets) all have photos
    10. Students Data Form (1 sheet)
    11. Form S2 – 14 (3 sheets)
    12. Form S2 – 15 (3 pieces)
    13. Academic Transcript (3 sheets)
    14. Kagama Member Registration Form (1 sheet)
    15. Copy of Certificate of TOEFL / AcEPT and TPA / PAPs (2 sheets)
    16. Original and photocopy of thesis validation sheet (2)
    17. Abstract in English (3 sheets) – release
    18. Abstract in Indonesian (3 sheets) – release
    19. The publication text is authorized by the supervisor (1 piece)
  • After the requirements are completed, the students will receive a summons to attend graduation from the Academic Section.
  • Academic dress for graduation ceremony purposes can be taken and returned at Academic Section. .
  • The diploma will be given directly by the person in charge of the program at the graduation ceremony.
  • The students can take the academic transcripts from the Academic Section after they have met both academic and financial requirements and returned the academic dress.