Sleman (25/04), Leadership is a characteristic that is a major need in all organizations both private and public. Leadership can help individuals, groups, organizations to achieve success, therefore leadership must be grown and drilled. In addition to being self-managed, leadership is also obtained from other people such as colleagues and mentors. Then, how do we develop our character?
The Public Lecture which was themed “leadership” was delivered by Denni Puspa Purbasari, M.Sc., Ph.D., the Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada who is currently also being a Deputy III Presidential Chief of Staff, and it was moderated by Amirullah Setya Hardi, Ph.D. The Public Lecture was held for students of MEP FEB UGM, but it was also opened for public. It took place in Auditorium on 8th Fl of FEB UGM Learning Center Building. The event was opened by Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, Ph.D., as Secretary of the MEP FEB UGM Study Program. Wakhid hopes that students can pick and apply the material that will be presented by Ms. Denni, because the leadership characteristics for Indonesia are currently very important.
Beginning by inviting the participants to take one figure as their idol, Denni Puspa Purbasari explained how to grow, sharpen, and practice leadership. Denni also showed several methods in supporting talents and preferences that became the forerunner of leadership. “Leadership begins with understanding yourself. Ask yourself, what are my talents? What is my dream, and how do I want to be known by people, then how do I go to the top? “She said.
Denni also shared her experiences in the competencies of her talents and interests and honed those talents and interests into her strengths. “Because this talent and interest will help creating strong leadership characteristics. Talent and interest will be a compilation force that is forged by commitment and consistency, if you succeed, you will meet a mentor and sponsor who will speed up this process. When you have strength, you have to form a personal image and this image will help you getting to the top, ” she added. (bgs)